Recently I made my first eBay purchase. I was thrilled to find a stroller that would match my carseats from 3 years ago. I figured it was a stretch, but was so happy when I found the exact same pattern of my old carseat in a single stroller on eBay. I was excited and nervous when I made my first bid and sat anxiously at the computer in hopes that I would be the winning bidder. I was relieved when the auction finally closed and that I was the winner. My stroller arrived in my driveway within a few days and I was one happy shopper!
Now I am ready to play the eBay game as a seller! I must admit, I am a bit intimidated. Before I begin auctioning off some items, I have a few questions for all of you seasoned eBay sellers.
1. Can you have more than one auction going at one time? Would it be too chaotic?
2. How do you calculate your shipping costs?
3. How long should each auction last?
4. If you don't get the bid that you are asking, do you still have to sell the item?
5. What happens if you don't get any bids?
6. What payment options should you put on your auction? Should you only use PayPal?
7. How long do you have after an auction closes to get the item in the mail? Should you wait to ship once you have payment in hand?
8. Have you enjoyed selling your items on eBay?
9. Any one have a bad experience with either selling or buying?
FHU 2025 vs. Loyola
1 week ago