Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Hey There...

Yesterday, while waiting for Jason at the doctor's office, Joshua noticed these two big men that entered the office. In a loud voice Joshua greeted them with a "Hey there big guy!". Couldn't help but laugh at that one.


Alisha said...

I love it! They were just talking about kids saying embarrassing things on The View. Oh, the things to look forward to. I had fun today. We need to get out more often together.

Jamey said...

Too funny. Did the men laugh?


I can just see Joshua saying that. I can't wait for that stage. :) I get enough attention with my big stroller...can't wait until my kids are saying funny things to get us even more attention.

michele said...

I wanted to say "Hi" Sunny. I stumbled upon your blog not too long ago when I linked to it from Jason's (I post on his LOST blog). I love your blog! It inspires me to write my own. Now, if I can just find the time! :)

Your post reminded me of something Olivia (she'll be 3 in November) said at the Cracker Barrel last weekend. My dad was holding her and this rather largely built man walked by them. Olivia said "He's a BIG boy". LOL! She also refused to use the potty at my friend's house last week because (as she loudly exclaimed) the toilet has mold in it!!!!

Michele Gay

Sunny said...

Hey Michele!!!

So glad that you stopped by. You are too kind with your compliments. The "moldy" toilet made me laugh so hard. The kids are now at that wonderful age where you never know what they will say next. Lots of laughs to be had by all!