Anyways, I am back to making baby food. I did this with Joshua and Abby Kate and it was a huge money saver!!! I really enjoy making baby food and it is so easy. This go around has been even better because of my new Magic Bullet (thanks Mom and Dad). The other day I spent a couple of hours making apples, pears, peaches, sweet potatoes, butternut squash and carrots. I had already made the yellow squash, peas and green beans. Here are some pictures of my finished products. Jackson has already made quite a dent in the stash, so I'm off to the produce section to buy some more.
Jason and I have been busy painting Jackson's room and our bedroom. The foyer/den/kitchen/playroom are next on our list. I am trying to put the finishing touches on our room and Jackson's and will post pictures of them as soon as I can. (Don't expect much, I can't even begin to compete with all of you other talented, creative and crafty mommies.) Until then, this picture of my baby Jack sleeping will have to do. There is nothing sweeter than a little one sleeping.
Who takes pictures of their frozen baby food?
Seriously, I'm glad that you make his food. It's way cheaper than buying it and I imagine it's probably better for him without all those preservatives added in.
Obviously, that last comment was supposed to be from me.
You guys crack me up!
I love my Magic Bullet too. When he's a bit older you can make him a smoothie for breakfast with bananas, yogurt, milk, and/or juice.
Did I use my commas correctly???
Great job Sunny! I'm impressed! I have a question. Did you make your peaches from frozen peaches or are you so far in the Deep South that you get fresh ones year round? I would like to have Anna try peaches soon.
Last time I bought fresh peaches, but I got the frozen ones this go around. They were much easier to fix without having to skin and pit them. I've always heard that frozen is the next best thing to fresh.
I've never even heard of a magic bullet. you guys are gonna have to fill me in. I am sure your rooms will look fabulous!
I love the info-mercials for the bullet and thought it would be neat to have. There is a store in the mall here in ATL where you can buy all items you see advertised on TV and they had them. Maybe one day soon I can get one too. I think this is so neat that you make your own food--so much healthier. And that last picture is too cute. We miss all of you guys in Huntsville and hope things are going well.
Tori - the bullet is great! You can find them at Linen's n' Things and Kolh's, too! If you watch for a sale or use a coupon, you can get one for under $50.00.
We think of you guys often. I hope that all is well!
Kenny says he'll start cooking if we get a magic bullet. I told him that things don't 'magically' cut themselves up and put themselves in little bowls like on the infomercials!
That is so neat, Sunny! Good for you for making your own baby food. Aaron and I have a blog now so check us out...
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