I love chocolate! I love all kinds of chocolate! If there is chocolate in the house, I will eat it. In an effort to not eat a lot of chocolate, I've stopped buying it. There are a few occasions where I will crave something full of chocolate and indulge.
I think that my love for all things chocolate is from my Daddy. I remember my Daddy stashing away those BIG Hershey's bars in the cabinets. For the holidays, we were always given the best chocolate. I have a special place in my heart for the Valentine's Day, Easter, Halloween and Christmas candies. Whenever my brother and I received our special holiday candies, we made sure to hide them away in our bedrooms in hopes that Daddy wouldn't eat any. Our candy seemed to last forever, because we would only get a few pieces after dinner every night. One night after enjoying a great meal from my mom, I asked for a few bites of my Russel Stovers Solid Milk Chocolate Easter Bunny. When I brought it back to the table to eat, I realized that more than half of my bunny was missing. I was completely confused and my Daddy couldn't hold in his laughter anymore. He had eaten a few bites of my bunny when I was at school earlier that day. To this day, I laugh so hard when I think about my Chocolate Easter Bunny.
For Valentine's Day this year, I bought Jason a bag of the Nestle Crunch Heart Chocolates. They are his favorite Valentine's Day treat, so I always pick up a bag for him. Jason stuck his bag of chocolate up on the refrigerator in our "sweets basket". I had completely forgotten about his stashed candy and was surprised when he pulled out a full bag of chocolates the other day. He has been eating on this one bag of candy since February 14th. This might be the norm for you, but for me it is not. Chocolate doesn't really last long if I can see it (that's why I don't buy it anymore).
I am fine with Jason having his stash of candy on top of the refrigerator, but I was shocked by what he told me yesterday evening. I don't know how long he has been wanting to tell me this, but he called me a "chocolate splurge(r). He then proceeded to tell me that he was a hoarder when it comes to chocolate. I was shocked that he would ever call me a splurge(r)!
So do you splurge or hoard?
FHU 2025 vs. Loyola
3 weeks ago
I must admit that I hoard. I will hold onto candy for months just like Jason because I want to enjoy it as long as I can. I still have one Heart Shaped Reeses's in my night stand (this is were I hide my candy that I don't want to share with the family) that my dad gave my for Valentine's. Although, I must admit, if a big bag of M&M's ever make it into our house they are gone in a few days flat. So maybe it just depends on the candy.
Definitely a splurger! I will eat it everyday until it's gone. And have on multiple occasions sent Jeremy out for some when there was none in the house. Luckily I don't have to hide it in my house yet, b/c Jeremy doesn't care for it all that much and Sara's not big enough to reach it anywhere.
I have to say I do both. If I get a box of chocolates I hoard them so no one else can have them. I like to have them all to myself. But everything else I just splurge on. That is why I don't buy a lot of chocolate right now,I will eat it all!!!
This post makes me laugh. You are definitely a splurger when it comes to chocolate. Hoarders unite!
Sunny, I am with you. I am a splurger. I just don't have the discipline.....
I do a little of both but mostly splurge :) If it's around and I can eat it, I will :)
Girl . . . I am definitely a splurger! I don't buy any sweets or chocolate because I eat it! And you know what I do when I need chocolate? (Which is about every day) . . . I get into the open bag of chocolate chips! I have no self discipline - I'm so ashamed.
I do the same thing with the chocolate chips Laura Beth. This is why we have been out of chocolate chips for the past month. :)
funny post. I do a bit of both. I'm not a big chocolate candy person, but there are a few I like and tend to hoard. The Nestle Crunch Hearts happen to be one of those. I, too, still have a bag on my counter. As for desserts containing chocolate (or any sugar in general) I'm definitely a splurger. If no one is home, I could seriously eat a whole cake by myself. I'm not kidding.
I've never heard the concept of haoading chocolate? Isn't there a statute of limitations on chocolate consumption? If the rightful owner fails to consume ALL of his or her chocolate within X number of mintutes/hours or days, then it can automatically be eaten by anyone without said owner having any valid recourse??
I love this post, Sunny! Any post about chocolate is a great post!! I am definitely a splurger and on some occasions could be considered a binger!! I can't get enough chocolate...have to have some everyday :) !!
Sorry, the above comment was from me!
Ben splurges BIG TIME (like if I buy a bag of Reese's the whole bag will be gone by the next day) and I hoard (I could make it last months). :) I get soooo... mad at Ben when he eats it all and leaves nothing for me and he can't understand how I can make it last as long as I do. :)
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