Wednesday, September 10, 2008

No Time To Work Out?

I found this a bit funny!


Anonymous said...

That is too funny!! Maybe I should get a pair. If only I could keep from breaking my ankles while wearing them!

Amy said...

Those are funny! I saw them in a magazine the other day. I agree with Alisha though, I'd end up breaking my ankles.

The HoneaBees said...

I think it's great that they have boots for the winter. So you can break your ankles year around...not just in the summer.

Jason said...

Lifted buns?

Jamey said...

They remind me of the shoes they used to make us work out in when I was in high school. Apparently they were supposed to improve our verticle. Except ours weren't flip flops...they had laces like real shoes, but the thing on the front was about the same.

Ashley @ pure and lovely said...

how did my LEGS end up on there? wow!