Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Charleston, South Carolina

Jason and I spent the weekend before Christmas in Charleston, South Carolina. Jason performed the wedding of a friend of ours from Kingsport. We truly had the best time away together. The kids stayed in Nashville with their Aunt Tara and my parents. We are so grateful that our families are always willing and able to keep our kids for us.

We rented a car and drove nine hours to the Atlantic Coast. We didn't really mind the drive. We were actually really looking forward to it. We arrived in Charleston around dinner time and went out for dinner at Longhorn. On Saturday we drove around Charleston and walked around downtown. We parked down at The Battery and walked around for about 3 hours. We were fascinated with the historical and antebellum homes on Meeting Street, The Battery and the busyness of King Street. Later that afternoon, we went to the movies and window shopped before the wedding rehearsal. After the rehearsal, we headed over to Barnes and Noble and Starbucks for a quiet and relaxing evening. The wedding ceremony on Sunday was so lovely. They had the wedding outside and it was absolutely beautiful. We headed back home on Monday and got to our house around 10:00 that night.

Here are some of my favorite pictures from Charleston.

The Battery

If the kids had been with me, I would have snapped a million pictures in front of this brick wall. Seeing as how it was just the two of us, Jason stepped in for me!

I was imagining the countless pictures that I would take of our children in front of this wrought iron fence. Jason really hammed it up for me!


one BleSSed gal! said...

OH to have a weekend away--I'm just a bit jealous :) Those pics are great--perhaps Jason should take up modeling ~hee!hee!

Jason said...

Joy, I have a portfolio ready if anybody's interested.

Kam Walker said...

Jason Bybee - America's Next Top Model


What neat pictures! Your camera is great! Can't wait to use ours. :) I'm glad ya'll got a weekend away. It is so nice to have a little time just to be with your spouse minus the kids. I know ya'll enjoyed it. I would LOVE nine hours in the car with Ben without the kids!!! :)

The HoneaBees said...

Look at you Miss Photographer! Awesome shots!!
I don't think J and I would be able to stay awake for 9 hours in the car! ha

Anonymous said...

Your pictures are so great! They look like postcards. I am so glad that you guys were able to get away without the kids and enjoy a little time together.

jenna said...

I love Charleston! When I went, my friends and I wondered around those beautiful, historical streets for hours as well.... so lovely! I am glad you two had such a good time!

LB said...

How much fun to have a weekend away! Charleston is beautiful and it looks like you had a great time!

Laura said...

Sunny, I left a comment yesterday but it did not post. Your pics are great. i will show them to Jamie as she has been there twice and I have not been there at all. kurtis grandparents live there. Jason, two weddings in one month. Whew!!
The embarrassing day with Joshua I laughed out loud. That is so funny. Way to go Joshua. Ha