All is quiet in our house.
I can not fall asleep.
My mind is racing with things that I need to do, as well as things that I want to do.
In the morning, I will wake to the sounds of my children calling out my name.
The day will be fun and exciting.
I wonder what new thing they will learn.
The day will bring about many challenges as my children test the limits.
I find peace in this quiet moment.
In this quietness, I find time to reflect on my life.
I find the time to talk with my God.
God has blessed me with so much!
I have a wonderful husband who loves me just as I am.
I have two precious children that have given my life so much joy.
I have a family that loves me and cares deeply for me.
I have friends who make me laugh, who listen to me, and who encourage me.
I have a Savior who gave His life for me.
Do I live my life in such a way that reflects His image?
May my life be worthy of His calling.
May my strength come from Him.
May my attitude be like that of Christ Himself.
All is quiet in our house.
FHU 2025 vs. Loyola
1 week ago
This is beautiful. Thanks for sharing part of your personal prayer time with us. I can assure you that we (the kids and I)feel the same way about you. There's nobody like Mommy! You bring peace & calm & quiet to our lives like nobody else.
Your words remind me of Psalm 16
"Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure.
Surely my boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; I have a delightful inheritance.
I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me." (verse 5-7)
Hope you have a great week. My mom said she was thrilled to see AK and Joshua last Wed. We all miss you guys.
Lucy P.
Very poetic...
Lucy, I love that verse! We really enjoyed getting to see everyone up in Kingsport. Your mom cuddled with Abby Kate during Bible class. She tends to be a little clingy when away from me. You need to come down to Huntsville sometime soon. We miss getting to see you too.
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