Wednesday, December 20, 2006

This Is For You Tracy (Belly Pictures)

I don't have any before pregnancy pictures, but here are a couple of my 9th and 12th weeks (yes, I am wearing the same pants in both pictures)...

9 weeks

12 weeks

(I can't really tell much difference between the two).

My due date is Friday, June 22, 2007.

I am currently 13 weeks and 5 days pregnant!

It's only ONE!

We've heard the heartbeat two different times.

I officially outgrew my pants at 10 weeks and 1 day!

I could eat pizza for breakfast, lunch and dinner!

I could care less for chocolate (which is totally not me)!

I finally have my energy back after the first trimester.

No, I did not have morning sickness this time either!


Jason said...

Let me testify that the woman is totally addicted to pizza. Morning, noon and night.

And what's with the no chocolate, too? Who are you and what have you done with my wife?

Jason said...

Seriously, I love that little bump...

Jamey said...

I'm so happy for you guys. You'll have to keep us updated since we won't get to be there during the 'process.'

I can't remember if you're going to find out or not...if I had one of each, I think it would be fun for a surprise.

Sunny said...

I forgot to put that down...

We are NOT going to find out what we are having! Like you said, Jamey, we have one of each. I have all that I need for this little one, so no need to find out.

laura said...

Sunny, I can't believe you are this far along already. It will be interesting to know if this Bybee baby will love pizza. Mine love what I craved with both of mine. Milkshakes with Jamie & mexican with May and that is what they love. Have a great Christmas see youall next week.

Anonymous said...

Looking good Sunny! Are you having trouble finding something that fits? I'm down to 2 pair of jeans as the only pants I can wear (other than sweats) and they are now getting snug. I tried on my maternity pants but couldn't hold them up (yet). This in between stage stinks! I shouldn't complain though in a few months I'll miss having a relatively smaller girth. Enjoy that pizza!

mom23 said...

Merry Christmas to the Bybee FIVE!!! I love that little bump and I love that you did the pics in the same pants - I hope you can keep that up for a long time. It will serve as an awesome constant by which you can compare growth.

Love you all!!!

Sunny said...

Alice, I have had the hardest time for the past few weeks trying to find some pants that fit. I have run into the same problem - my regular pants don't fit and my maternity pants are too big. I finally fit into a pair of maternity jeans the other day, but they only fit because they have an adjustable waistband. Since the pants have the lovely blue panel, I ended up having to put on a maternity top as well. Oh well, I guess that I have a lot of room to grow.

I weighed more (my start weight) when I was pregnant with Joshua and Abby Kate. At this point in my pregnancy with them, I was fitting very well into my maternity clothes. This time around is much more different!

Ashley @ pure and lovely said...
