Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Through the Camera Lens

My parents traveled to Yosemite National Park and Lake Tahoe last week. Here are some pictures from their trip.


Stacy said...

Those pictures are AWESOME!!! :) Some of the teens on Facebook who do photography always say "Props, God!" for making such awesome things to witness! Jon and I dream of taking a family road trip out west when the kids get older! If any friends want to come along, we can all caravan!! :)

Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful! These photos are amazing. I've always wanted to go to Yosemite but we never made it before kids. Maybe when they are older...

andersons said...

Majestic and beautiful!!!

chesley said...

Wow! That's awesome. Makes me want to go there some day. My parents always wanted to take us, and we never wanted to go. We need to do it with ours before they're old enough to whine about how uncool it is.

Dana said...

These are beautiful! The colors are really vivid.

You asked me about the black and white pictures... I usually convert them to bw in a program. That way, I can mess with the contrast if I need to. Adam has a Mac computer and when I can get a hold if it, I use it because his photo program is awesome! The latest ones on my blog were done on Microsoft Picture It. Lighting is always my biggest issue. You can mess with the ISO and F-stop and fix a little but if the sun is right over head, there is just no hope. I've been told that putting a hood on my lens will help deflect some of the light but I don't have room in my budget for any more equipment right now!

What kind of camera do you use? I've been wanting to upgrade but again.. the budget..