Last night we decided to pick up a pizza on our way home from running a few errands. I think that our days of getting one pizza are long gone! I have no idea about what it will be like during the teenage years trying to feed 2 growing boys.
I'm making one small change to my "Friends" link on the side of my blog. It will only show the 25 most recently updated links. If you don't see your name on the sidebar, don't worry; it's still there. It will reappear the next time you make a post. Just trying to cut down on the length of links that I have over there.
I think that Jackson will flood our bathroom one day. He turns on the faucet at least once a day. This is how I found my tub the other day. He loves throwing all of my bottles of lotion into the tub. For now, I've had to put them away.
From the bottom, count up 3 shelves (to the one with the bread). This is where we found Jackson in full on Spider Man mode, scaling the heights of our pantry. Needless to say, my small step stool is now up on a high shelf out of his reach. This child....
Speaking of Jackson, I had to call Poison Control for the second time this month the other day. Jackson got a hold of my purse and got out a zippered bag inside that held a pill box. I've always kept 2 Tylenol in there. I found him with the Tylenol in his mouth. I was fortunately able to get it away from him and after piecing it together concluded that he ate about 1/4 of a pill. He was fine, but once again I was reminded that I can't turn my back for one second on our little Jack Jack!